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Pokemon Singles » Aquapolis

Ability: Attack #1:
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No conditions in stock. $63.89
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No conditions in stock. $35.56
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No conditions in stock. $20.25
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No conditions in stock. $17.25
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Houndoom - H11/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: FC Fireworks (30) Flip a coin. If tails, discard a Fire Energy card attached to Houndoom. | Attack #2: DCC Dark Impact (40) The Defending Pokmon can't use any Pok-Powers until the end of opponent's next turn. | Attack #3: | Card Number: H11/32 | Card Type: Darkness | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Hajime Kusajima | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Houndoom | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: Darkness | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $16.73
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Umbreon - 41/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: Dark Moon - As long as Umbreon is your Active Pokmon and has a Darkness Energy attached to it, once during your turn (before your attack), you may look at your opponent's hand. Choose from it a number of cards up to the number of Darkness Energy cards attached to Umbreon and shuffle them into your opponent's deck. Your opponent then draws the same number of cards from his or her deck. This power can't be used if Umbreon is affected by a Special Condition. | Attack #1: CCC Shadow Bind (30) The Defending Pokmon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 41/147 | Card Type: Darkness | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 80 | Illustrator: Mitsuhiro Arita | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Umbreon | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: Psychic | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $11.25
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Ninetales - H19/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: F Miracle Tail (10) Flip a coin. If heads, choose a Special Condition (Asleep, Burned, Confused, Paralyzed, or Poisoned). The Defending Pokmon is now affected by that Special Condition. | Attack #2: FCC Roasting Heat (40+) If the Defending Pokmon is Burned, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage. | Attack #3: | Card Number: H19/32 | Card Type: Fire | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 80 | Illustrator: Kagemaru Himeno | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Ninetales | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $11.19
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Entei - H8/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: Pure Body - To attach a Fire Energy card from your hand to Entei, you must discard an Energy card attached to Entei. (Attach the Fire Energy, and then discard an Energy from Entei.) | Attack #1: FCC Burning Fang (40) You may flip a coin. If heads, discard a Fire Energy card attached to Entei and the Defending Pokmon is now Burned. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: H8/32 | Card Type: Fire | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Atsuko Nishida | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Entei | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $10.66
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Magneton - H16/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: Magnetic Flow - Once during your turn (before your attack), if Magneton is your Active Pokmon, you may flip a coin. If heads, choose 2 of your opponent's Pokmon that have Energy cards attached to them. Choose 1 of the Energy cards attached to each of those Pokmon and switch them between the Pokmon. This power can't be used if Magneton is affected by a Special Condition. | Attack #1: CCC Steel Wave (30) This attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokmon that are the same type (color) as the Defending Pokmon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokmon.) | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: H16/32 | Card Type: Metal | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Hikaru Koike | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Magneton | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: Grass | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $10.58
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Entei - 10/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: Pure Body - To attach a Fire Energy card from your hand to Entei, you must discard an Energy card attached to Entei. (Attach the Fire Energy, and then discard an Energy from Entei.) | Attack #1: FCC Burning Fang (40) You may flip a coin. If heads, discard a Fire Energy card attached to Entei and the Defending Pokmon is now Burned. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 10/147 | Card Type: Fire | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Atsuko Nishida | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Entei | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $9.32
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Jumpluff - H13/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: Fluff - During your opponent's turn, if Jumpluff would be damaged or affected by an opponent's attack and it already has at least 1 damage counter on it, flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of that attack (including damage). | Attack #1: G Cotton Punch (30x) Flip 2 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: H13/32 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Yuka Morii | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Jumpluff | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: Water | Retreat Cost: | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $9.31
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Arcanine - 2/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: Extreme Speed - You pay Colorless less to retreat Arcanine for each Energy attached to it. | Attack #1: CCC Fire Blow (30+) You may discard any number of Fire Energy cards attached to Arcanine when you use this attack. If you do, flip a number of coins equal to the number of Fire Energy cards you discarded. This attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage for each heads. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 2/147 | Card Type: Fire | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 90 | Illustrator: Kyoko Umemoto | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Arcanine | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $9.17
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Suicune - H25/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: Pure Body - To attach a Water Energy from your hand to Suicune, you must discard an Energy card attached to Suicune. (Attach the Water Energy, and then discard an Energy card from Suicune.) | Attack #1: WCC Hypno Wave (30+) Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage. If tails, this attack does 30 damage and the Defending Pokmon is now Asleep. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: H25/32 | Card Type: Water | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Atsuko Nishida | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Suicune | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Lightning
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $9.10
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Scizor - H21/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: Poison Resistance - Scizor can't be Poisoned. | Attack #1: MC Snatch (20) Before doing damage, you may choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokmon with no damage counters on it and switch the Defending Pokmon with it. | Attack #2: CCC Heavy Metal (30+) Flip a number of coins equal to the number of Metal Energy attached to Scizor. This attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage for each heads. | Attack #3: | Card Number: H21/32 | Card Type: Metal | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 80 | Illustrator: Hisao Nakamura | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Scizor | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $7.82
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Tyranitar - 40/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: D Destructive Roar Flip a coin. If heads, discard 1 Energy card attached to 1 of your opponent's Pokmon. | Attack #2: DCC Tail Slap (30) | Attack #3: DDCCC Gigacrush (60) Each player discards the top 3 cards from his or her deck | Card Number: 40/147 | Card Type: Darkness | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 120 | Illustrator: Naoyo Kimura | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Tyranitar | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: Psychic | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $7.37
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Steelix - 35/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: CC Earth Rift (10) This attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokmon. (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokmon.) Then, flip a coin. If tails, this attack can't be used during your next turn. | Attack #2: MMCC Iron Smash (50+) Flip 2 coins. If both are heads, this attack does 50 damage plus 20 more damage. If both are tails, this attack does nothing. If 1 is heads and 1 is tails, this attack just does 50 damage. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 35/147 | Card Type: Metal | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 100 | Illustrator: Hajime Kusajima | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Steelix | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: Grass | Retreat Cost: 4 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $7.22
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Ampharos - H1/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: L Thundershock (20) Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokmon is now Paralyzed. | Attack #2: LLC Reflect Energy (50) If you have any Benched Pokmon and if there are any basic Energy cards attached to Ampharos, take 1 of those Energy cards and attach it to 1 of those Pokmon. | Attack #3: | Card Number: H1/32 | Card Type: Lightning | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 100 | Illustrator: Shin-ichi Yoshida | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Ampharos | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $7.09
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Arcanine - 2/147 - Rare
Ability: Extreme Speed - You pay Colorless less to retreat Arcanine for each Energy attached to it. | Attack #1: CCC Fire Blow (30+) You may discard any number of Fire Energy cards attached to Arcanine when you use this attack. If you do, flip a number of coins equal to the number of Fire Energy cards you discarded. This attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage for each heads. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 2/147 | Card Type: Fire | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Regular | HP: 90 | Illustrator: Kyoko Umemoto | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Arcanine | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $6.65
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Porygon2 - 28/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: Backup - Once during each of your turns (before your attack), if you have 2 or fewer cards in your hand, you may draw cards from your deck until you have 3 cards in your hand. This power can't be used if Porygon2 is affected by a Special Condition. | Attack #1: CC Hypnotic Ray (20) The Defending Pokmon is now Asleep. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 28/147 | Card Type: Colorless | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Hikaru Koike | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Porygon2 | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $6.50
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Steelix - H23/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: CC Earth Rift (10) This attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokmon. (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokmon.) Then, flip a coin. If tails, this attack can't be used during your next turn. | Attack #2: MMCC Iron Smash (50+) Flip 2 coins. If both are heads, this attack does 50 damage plus 20 more damage. If both are tails, this attack does nothing. If 1 is heads and 1 is tails, this attack just does 50 damage. | Attack #3: | Card Number: H23/32 | Card Type: Metal | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 100 | Illustrator: Hajime Kusajima | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Steelix | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: Grass | Retreat Cost: 4 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $6.35
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Umbreon - 41/147 - Rare
Ability: Dark Moon - As long as Umbreon is your Active Pokmon and has a Darkness Energy attached to it, once during your turn (before your attack), you may look at your opponent's hand. Choose from it a number of cards up to the number of Darkness Energy cards attached to Umbreon and shuffle them into your opponent's deck. Your opponent then draws the same number of cards from his or her deck. This power can't be used if Umbreon is affected by a Special Condition. | Attack #1: CCC Shadow Bind (30) The Defending Pokmon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 41/147 | Card Type: Darkness | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Regular | HP: 80 | Illustrator: Mitsuhiro Arita | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Umbreon | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: Psychic | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $6.26
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Sudowoodo - H24/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: C Copy Choose 1 of the Defending Pokmon's attacks. Copy copies that attack. This attack does nothing if Sudowoodo doesn't have the Energy necessary to use that attack. (You must still do anything else required in order to use that attack.) | Attack #2: F Energy Draw Search your deck for a basic Energy card and attach it to Sudowoodo. Shuffle your deck afterward. | Attack #3: | Card Number: H24/32 | Card Type: Fighting | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 60 | Illustrator: Kagemaru Himeno | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Sudowoodo | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $6.22
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Zapdos - 44/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: Anti-Lightning - You can't attach Lightning Energy cards from your hand to Zapdos. | Attack #1: C Plasma (10) If there are any Lightning Energy cards in your discard pile, flip a coin. If heads, attach 1 of them to Zapdos. | Attack #2: LLCC Lightning Storm (60) Flip a coin. If tails, put 2 damage counters on Zapdos. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 44/147 | Card Type: Lightning | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 80 | Illustrator: Hajime Kusajima | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Zapdos | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: Fighting | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Lightning
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $5.67
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Slowking - H22/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: C Bursting Hand (10x) Look at your opponent's hand. This attack does 10 damage times the number of Energy cards there are. | Attack #2: PCC Shuffle Attack (40) Look at a number of cards on top of your opponent's deck equal to the number of Energy cards attached to the Defending Pokmon. Put those cards in any order, and then put them back on top of your opponent's deck. | Attack #3: | Card Number: H22/32 | Card Type: Psychic | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 80 | Illustrator: Aya Kusube | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Slowking | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Psychic
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $5.57
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Electrode - H7/H32 - Holo Rare
Ability: Super Dynamo - Once during your turn (before your attack), if Electrode is your Active Pokmon, you may flip a coin. If heads, choose a Lightning Energy card from your discard pile and attach it to 1 of your Pokmon. This power can't be used if Electrode is affected by a Special Condition. | Attack #1: LC Swift (30) This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Pok-Powers, Pok-Bodies, or any other effects on the Defending Pokmon. | Attack #2: CCC Double Stab (40x) Flip 2 coins. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads. | Attack #3: | Card Number: H7/H32 | Card Type: Lightning | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Shin-ichi Yoshida | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Electrode | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $5.26

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