Memory Berry - 128/147 - Uncommon - Reverse Holo
Attack #1:
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 128/147
Card Type: Trainer - Pokemon Tool
Edition: 1st
Finish: Reverse Holo
Illustrator: Shin-ichi Yoshikawa
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Memory Berry
Rarity: Uncommon
Retreat Cost:
Set: Aquapolis
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$1.09 |
Porygon2 - 28/147 - Rare
Ability: Backup - Once during each of your turns (before your attack), if you have 2 or fewer cards in your hand, you may draw cards from your deck until you have 3 cards in your hand. This power can't be used if Porygon2 is affected by a Special Condition.
Attack #1: CC Hypnotic Ray (20) The Defending Pokmon is now Asleep.
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 28/147
Card Type: Colorless
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 70
Illustrator: Hikaru Koike
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Porygon2
Rarity: Rare
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Stage 1
Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$1.09 |
Bellsprout - 45/147 - Uncommon - Reverse Holo
Attack #1: GC Blot (20) Remove 1 damage counter from Bellsprout.
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 45/147
Card Type: Grass
Edition: 1st
Finish: Reverse Holo
HP: 50
Illustrator: Masako Yamashita
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Bellsprout
Rarity: Uncommon
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Basic
Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$1.05 |
Dodrio - 46/147 - Uncommon
Attack #1: C Tri Attack (10x) Flip 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads.
Attack #2: CC Peck Attack Flip 2 coins. If 1 of them is heads, this attack does 20 damage. If both are heads, this attack does 50 damage. If both are tails, the Defending Pokmon is now Confused.
Attack #3:
Card Number: 46/147
Card Type: Colorless
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 70
Illustrator: Yukiko Baba
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Dodrio
Rarity: Uncommon
Resistance: Fighting
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Stage 1
Weakness: Lightning
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$1.05 |
Grass Cube 01 - 124/147 - Uncommon - Reverse Holo
Attack #1: G Sleep Poison The Defending Pokmon is now Asleep and Poisoned.
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 124/147
Card Type: Trainer - Technical Machine
Edition: 1st
Finish: Reverse Holo
Illustrator: 'Big Mama' Tagawa
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Grass Cube 01
Rarity: Uncommon
Retreat Cost:
Set: Aquapolis
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$1.05 |
Skiploom - 60/147 - Uncommon
Ability: Lightweight - You pay Colorless less to retreat Skiploom for each Grass Energy attached to it.
Attack #1: C Break Powder (10+) Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage. If tails, this attack does 10 damage and the Defending Pokmon is now Asleep.
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 60/147
Card Type: Grass
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 60
Illustrator: Yuka Morii
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Skiploom
Rarity: Uncommon
Resistance: Water
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Stage 1
Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$1.04 |
Bellsprout - 68/147 - Common - Reverse Holo
Attack #1: C Poison Vine Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokmon is now Poisoned.
Attack #2: G Sharp Leaf (10+) Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage.
Attack #3:
Card Number: 68/147
Card Type: Grass
Edition: 1st
Finish: Reverse Holo
HP: 40
Illustrator: Keiko Fukuyama
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Bellsprout
Rarity: Common
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Basic
Weakness: Psychic
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.99 |
Lanturn - 21/147 - Rare
Ability: Ion Coating - You may use this power once during each of your turns (before your attack). All Lightning Energy attached to your Active Pokmon becomes Water Energy for the rest of your turn. (This effect ends if your Active Pokmon retreats or is returned to your hand.) This power can't be used if Lanturn is affected by a Special Condition.
Attack #1: CC Electric Tackle (20+) This attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each Lightning Energy attached to Lanturn. Flip a coin. If tails, Lanturn does 10 damage to itself for each Lightning Energy attached to it.
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 21/147
Card Type: Lightning
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 80
Illustrator: Yuka Morii
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Lanturn
Rarity: Rare
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Stage 1
Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.97 |
Magnemite - 52/586 - Uncommon
Attack #1: M Attract Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokmon and switch the Defending Pokmon with it.
Attack #2: CC Tackle (20)
Attack #3:
Card Number: 52/147
Card Type: Metal
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 40
Illustrator: Shin-ichi Yoshida
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Magnemite
Rarity: Uncommon
Resistance: Grass
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Basic
Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.97 |
Nidoking - 24/147 - Rare
Ability: Earth Rage - Once during your turn (before your attack), if Nidoking is your Active Pokmon, you may flip a coin. If heads, put a damage counter on each of your opponent's Benched Pokmon. This power can't be used if Nidoking is affected by a Special Condition.
Attack #1: FFCC Giant Horn (50+) Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 50 damage plus 30 more damage.
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 24/147
Card Type: Fighting
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 110
Illustrator: Naoyo Kimura
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Nidoking
Rarity: Rare
Resistance: Lightning
Retreat Cost: 3
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Stage 2
Weakness: Grass
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.94 |
Seaking - 59/147 - Uncommon
Attack #1: CC Flail (10x) This attack does 10 damage times the number of damage counters on Seaking.
Attack #2: WCC Undulate (30) Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Seaking.
Attack #3:
Card Number: 59/147
Card Type: Water
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 70
Illustrator: Sumiyoshi Kizuki
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Seaking
Rarity: Uncommon
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Stage 1
Weakness: Lightning
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.94 |
Slowking - 34/147 - Rare
Attack #1: C Bursting Hand (10x) Look at your opponent's hand. This attack does 10 damage times the number of Energy cards there are.
Attack #2: PCC Shuffle Attack (40) Look at a number of cards on top of your opponent's deck equal to the number of Energy cards attached to the Defending Pokmon. Put those cards in any order, and then put them back on top of your opponent's deck.
Attack #3:
Card Number: 34/147
Card Type: Psychic
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 80
Illustrator: Aya Kusube
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Slowking
Rarity: Rare
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Stage 1
Weakness: Psychic
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.90 |
Warp Energy - 147/147 - Uncommon - Reverse Holo
Attack #1:
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 147/147
Card Type: Energy
Edition: 1st
Finish: Reverse Holo
Illustrator: Keiji Kinebuchi
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Warp Energy
Rarity: Uncommon
Retreat Cost:
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Special Energy
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.90 |
Growlithe - 51/147 - Uncommon
Attack #1: FC Ember (30) Discard a Fire Energy card attached to Growlithe.
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 51/147
Card Type: Fire
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 60
Illustrator: Kyoko Umemoto
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Growlithe
Rarity: Uncommon
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Basic
Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.88 |
Nidorino - 55/147 - Uncommon
Attack #1: G Poison Horn (10) Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokmon is now Poisoned.
Attack #2: CCC Take Down (40) Nidorino does 10 damage to itself.
Attack #3:
Card Number: 55/147
Card Type: Grass
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 70
Illustrator: Kagemaru Himeno
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Nidorino
Rarity: Uncommon
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Stage 1
Weakness: Psychic
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.88 |
Muk - 23/147 - Rare
Ability: Heavyweight - As long as there is a Grass Energy attached to Muk, you must pay an additional 2 Colorless to retreat it.
Attack #1: CC Burning Sludge (10) Flip a number of coins equal to the amount of Grass Energy attached to Muk. If any of them are heads, the Defending Pokmon is now Poisoned and Burned.
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 23/147
Card Type: Grass
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 70
Illustrator: Hajime Kusajima
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Muk
Rarity: Rare
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Stage 1
Weakness: Psychic
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.86 |
Hoppip - 83/147 - Common
Ability: Lightweight - You pay Colorless less to retreat Hoppip for each Grass Energy attached to it.
Attack #1: C Careless Tackle (20) Hoppip does 10 damage to itself.
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 83/147
Card Type: Grass
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 40
Illustrator: Yuka Morii
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Hoppip
Rarity: Common
Resistance: Water
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Basic
Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.82 |
Apricorn Forest - 118/147 - Rare
Attack #1:
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 118/147
Card Type: Trainer - Stadium
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
Illustrator: Midori Harada
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Apricorn Forest
Rarity: Rare
Retreat Cost:
Set: Aquapolis
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.81 |
Exeggutor - 12/147 - Rare
Attack #1: C Super Eggsplosion (40x) Discard any number of Energy cards attached to any number of your Pokmon. Flip a number of coins equal to the number of Energy cards discarded this way. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads.
Attack #2: G Called Shot Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokmon. This attack does 10 damage times the amount of Grass energy attached to Exeggutor. (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokmon.)
Attack #3:
Card Number: 12/147
Card Type: Grass
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 80
Illustrator: Yukiko Baba
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Exeggutor
Rarity: Rare
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Stage 1
Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.81 |
Smoochum - 61/147 - Uncommon
Attack #1: P Energy Kiss (10x) Flip a number of coins equal to the number of Energy cards attached to the Defending Pokmon. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads.
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 61/147
Card Type: Psychic
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 30
Illustrator: Kagemaru Himeno
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Smoochum
Rarity: Uncommon
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Baby
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.81 |
Hitmonchan - 81/147 - Common
Attack #1: FC Rush (10x) Flip 5 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. Hitmonchan can't attack during your next turn.
Attack #2: CCC Smash (50) Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing.
Attack #3:
Card Number: 81/147
Card Type: Fighting
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 60
Illustrator: Tomokazu Komiya
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Hitmonchan
Rarity: Common
Retreat Cost: 2
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Basic
Weakness: Psychic
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.79 |
Memory Berry - 128/147 - Uncommon
Attack #1:
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 128/147
Card Type: Trainer - Pokemon Tool
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
Illustrator: Shin-ichi Yoshikawa
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Memory Berry
Rarity: Uncommon
Retreat Cost:
Set: Aquapolis
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.79 |
Hitmontop - 82/147 - Common
Attack #1: CC Double Kick (20x) Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.
Attack #2: FCC Triple Spin (20x) Flip 3 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. If you get 2 or more heads, switch Hitmontop with one of your Benched Pokmon, if any.
Attack #3:
Card Number: 82/147
Card Type: Fighting
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 60
Illustrator: Tomokazu Komiya
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Hitmontop
Rarity: Common
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Basic
Weakness: Psychic
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.77 |
Houndour - 86/147 - Common - Reverse Holo
Attack #1: C Singe Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokmon is now Burned.
Attack #2: FC Flare (20)
Attack #3:
Card Number: 86/147
Card Type: Fire
Edition: 1st
Finish: Reverse Holo
HP: 50
Illustrator: Midori Harada
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Houndour
Rarity: Common
Retreat Cost: 1
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Basic
Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.76 |
Onix - 98/147 - Common
Attack #1: FC Crush (20x) Flip a number of coins equal to the amount of Energy attached to Onix. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: 98/147
Card Type: Fighting
Edition: 1st
Finish: Regular
HP: 60
Illustrator: Hajime Kusajima
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Name: Onix
Rarity: Common
Retreat Cost: 2
Set: Aquapolis
Stage: Basic
Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. |
$0.76 |